Our training modules, created on par with industry standards and vetted by regulatory agencies, are created for employees across all levels. From a graduate trainee to a senior SME, can be trained on First Aid and Fire Safety.
We cannot predict when disaster strikes, but we can be prepared. Using our in depth VR training, any employee can learn and live the best practices during an emergency situation, be it providing first aid to his colleague or family member, or even putting out a fire using a fire extinguisher.
Features and Benefits
No more boring presentations and lectures, get ahead of the curve and become part of the metaverse! Use our tried, tested and proven VR training platform to make your employees prepared for any first aid or fire emergency.
- Individual Login for every employee
- Save progress and continue where you left off!
- Report generation to track employee progress and completion record
- Longer retention of knowledge for employees compared to traditional training methods
- Customizable environments using branding logos and colors
- Easy to install, launch and use! All you need is a simple VR headset and a VR-ready laptop/PC and you are good to go!
- Complete instruction guide on how to use the VR controllers
Video Showcase
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